1. CROssBAR: Comprehensive Resource of Biomedical Relations with Deep Learning and Network Representations, Katip Celebi Newton fund, 2017-2020 ($140.000 USD + £149.999)
  2. CanSyL: Cancer Systems Biology Laboratory, Ministry of Development, 2016-2019, ($2.000.000)
  3. Possible Anti-cancer activities of Isocsasol Derivatives, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 2015-2017, ($150.000)
  4. Identification of cancer stem cell ratio in cancerous tissue microscopic images and development of automatic prediction tool to be used in clinics, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 2014-2016 (~$300.000)
  5. Chemical Approaches to Targeting Drug Resistance in Cancer Stem Cells (COST-StemChem), Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 2014-2017 (~$200.000)
  6. Intensified Cooperation (IntenC) “Düşük Maliyetli Bilgisayar Destekli Mikroskopik İşleme Sistemleri Ve Uygulamalar 'Locamssa'”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 2014-2015 (~$115.000)
  7. Modeling of the effect of the PI3K/AKT kinase inhibitors on the cell signaling pathways using microarray data in liver cancer cells, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 2011-2014 ($200.000)
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Informatics Institute
Informatics Institute

Last Updated:
11/07/2017 - 15:09